06 Reasons How Custom Packaging is Better Than Traditional Packaging

Custom packaging involves crafting a covering that aligns seamlessly with the product's form while infusing a personal touch that forms a strong emotional connection with your buyers. This tailored approach ensures your product stands out and leaves a lasting impression.

In today's competitive market, businesses recognize the vital role packaging plays in attracting customers. Approximately 60% of shoppers who enter a store are drawn to eye-catching custom packaging that holds the product.

To truly captivate your customers, it's essential to customize the packaging with product designer tool to suit the specific product, creating an experience that resonates deeply with them.

Custom packaging involves crafting a covering that aligns seamlessly with the product's form while infusing a personal touch that forms a strong emotional connection with your buyers. This tailored approach ensures your product stands out and leaves a lasting impression.

05 Reasons businesses look for customized packaging instead of stock packaging

1. Boosting Brand Recognition:

With 63% of consumers making repeat purchases based on packaging design, custom-printed packaging boxes offer a powerful way to establish a distinctive brand identity.

Incorporating creative elements into the exterior of your product helps customers quickly associate it with your brand. For first-time buyers, a memorable first impression increases the likelihood of a return purchase.

This is especially crucial for e-commerce businesses. Since packaging serves as the initial physical interaction with your product, it must match the quality of the item itself. Customized commercial packaging not only enhances brand visibility but also provides a platform for promoting other products and upcoming offers. Furthermore, it simplifies the communication of your company's values and objectives.

These tailored packaging solutions not only effectively convey your intended message to your target audience but also leave a lasting mark on the minds of your buyers.

2. Elevate the Unboxing Moment:

Picture the delight your customers will experience when they find a personalized, witty greeting on the packaging or a thoughtful note as they unveil the contents.

Take a cue from "Pottery with a Purpose" - their packaging exemplifies this approach beautifully. Opening their kit reveals a special message on top, along with charming little details and notes nestled within their custom-printed boxes. This tactic has been effectively employed to distinguish and elevate their brand.

3. Forge Stronger Customer Connections:

Consider this scenario: a health-conscious individual in search of a chocolate bar. What do you think would captivate them more? A plain package with just a brand logo, or custom-printed packaging with a detailed list of all the wholesome ingredients?

Undoubtedly, it's the latter. Hu, a brand committed to providing consumers with chocolate bars made from simple, healthful ingredients, recognized this and put it into practice.

This approach proves highly effective in addressing your customers' pain points and establishing a deeper emotional connection with them. Moreover, when it comes to showcasing your product offerings, the impact of custom packaging is unrivaled.

4. Boost Your Brand Visibility on Social Media

As per The Packaging Company, 40% of online shoppers indicate a higher likelihood of sharing product images or videos on social media if the packaging is both branded and visually engaging. Therefore, utilizing custom packaging can serve as a powerful tool for promoting your product across various social media platforms.

The ripple effect? It not only leaves your current customer base delighted but also acts as a magnet for drawing in new ones.

5. Elevate Your Sales Through Sustainable Packaging:

In today's business landscape, custom packaging has taken a greener turn. Many eco-conscious entrepreneurs are now embracing eco-friendly packaging adorned with personalized messages.

This strategic move allows them to unlock a host of benefits from a single endeavor. It not only enhances the appeal of their product to buyers but also ensures no harm is done to the environment.

According to McKinsey, one in four consumers express a heightened focus on environmental concerns and an intention to pay closer attention to social aspects in their shopping habits. Moreover, a staggering 83% of consumers now gravitate towards positive activism, actively supporting companies aligned with their values rather than shying away from those with conflicting practices.

Boxed water stands as a prime illustration of this trend. The detrimental impact of plastic bottles on our environment is widely recognized. In response, this company introduced the innovative approach of packaging water in eco-friendly custom-printed boxes, rather than traditional plastic containers. The result? A resounding success, with reported revenues of $5 million in the preceding year, a clear indication of the positive reception by consumers.

6. Elevate Your Brand's Presence:

Success in business is a culmination of consistent effort and a well-thought-out strategy. Custom packaging is one such approach that offers enduring returns on investment.

Given its widespread adoption, it's essential to take a step beyond the norm and infuse creativity into your packaging strategy. Allowing customers to design their own packaging adds a personalized touch, creating a more engaging experience.

This opens up avenues for individualized connections, leading to increased repeat business and contented customers, ultimately fortifying your brand.

Should you seek further insights or aspire to offer a truly unique experience, don't hesitate to reach out. Our team of experts is poised to streamline the entire process for you, ensuring a seamless experience.

Final Words:

Enable this with our cutting-edge box packaging design software. It empowers your customers to craft product packaging to their preferences. Moreover, its intuitive features ensure that even non-tech-savvy customers can easily create customized packages.

You have control over which areas you want to customize, providing flexibility while maintaining your brand's integrity. Plus, there's no need to fret over the pre-press process. Upon order placement, you'll receive an editable, print-ready PDF. This solution proves advantageous for both you and your customers, creating a mutually beneficial arrangement.


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