The glory of Germany

"Yes!" After listening to the description of his chief of staff. Ji Ming opened his mouth and said, "Rouse, what you said just now is very reasonable.

"Yes!" After listening to the description of his chief of staff. Ji Ming opened his mouth and said, "Rouse, what you said just now is very reasonable. As far as the current situation is concerned, the problems we have encountered are indeed very serious.". However, I think these difficulties can be overcome. Although the war is protracted, as long as we can persevere, we must spare no expense until we win the final victory. At this most critical moment, we must unite as one. All previous efforts must not be wasted. The Fuehrer also realized our difficulties, so in order to end the battle of Leningrad as soon as possible, through the direct intervention of the Fuehrer and the direct request to the Army Headquarters for more troops, the Army Headquarters readily agreed to my request and gave me three additional divisions of infantry. In addition, General Fromm, Commander-in-Chief of the German Reserve, agreed to help us rebuild our forces as soon as possible. He promised to provide us with five divisions of reserve troops, so that we could be guaranteed in strength. After listening to Ji Ming's words, all the people present breathed a sigh of relief. After all, because of the tension of the battle, their fighting pressure was too great. After nearly a month of brutal fighting,pump tube, all the divisions' supplementary regiments had been exhausted, and many troops could only organize second-line personnel as reserves. Some are even artillery units, and if there are reinforcements, then the relief of the pressure on the besieging troops is a very good result. After a few seconds, Ji Ming suddenly asked Werner, the artillery commander of the group army,cosmetic tube packaging, who was sitting in the second platoon on his left hand. "Report to your excellency!" . Said humbly As far as the current situation is concerned, our artillery units, especially heavy artillery units, have suffered fewer losses. After a large number of supplements, the base number of our shells, especially super heavy artillery shells, has increased. So far, our average ammunition base number is 4, which can support the end of the battle. Including Dora. Carl and the sword of Laocoon? Ji Ming continued to ask. Yes, including these three super guns, the shells are absolutely abundant! Said. Take it! Ji Ming nodded heavily: "Then give me a hard hit from today!"! I will turn Leningrad into a pile of ruins! Here Ji Ming's hands thumped heavily on the table. Part VI Chapter 166 Attack and Defense Updated: January 7, 2009 2:49:37 Words in this Chapter: 3278 On November 19, the last offensive and defensive battle of Ningrad, eye cream packing tube ,eye cream packaging tube, accompanied by German troops, was coming to an end. On the 19th, in order to take the city as soon as possible, the German army began to make new movements. When the attack in the south was blocked, the German army decided to focus on the north and west. And there is also an increase in the strength of the Southern District, where they have invested new and additional forces. In the area of Volvoko Square alone, they concentrated the 2nd Infantry Corps. Under the continuous attack of artillery and air strikes, the blood of the defenders had been slowly drained in the fierce battle, and although the casualties on both sides were unbearably high, the Soviets still put all their personnel, including staff officers, into battle. However, the Germans, who had an absolute advantage, knew very well that it would not be long before they could take the city, which had been reduced to rubble. The situation in the fortress is now chaotic, the defenders are fighting separately, the original organizational system has been almost completely disrupted, each battle formation may include soldiers from all sides. It is almost impossible for the commander's orders to reach the front line, because the concept of "front line" no longer exists, and there is a life-and-death melee everywhere. On the 19th day, Ji Ming personally went to the southern front to command the troops to fight, in order to stimulate the enthusiasm of the soldiers. Ji Ming divided the arrows of his attack into the left flank. Center and right wing. On the left flank were the Wehrmacht's four infantry divisions under Reinhart, and in the center were the Waffen-SS's three grenadier and chasseur divisions. In the south were the paratroopers of the German Air Force, and in view of the chaotic nature of the initial attack, Ji Ming specifically stipulated that the size of each attack was one battalion. Each attack battalion is attached to a bear heavy assault battery and a reinforced engineer battery. Early in the morning, 120 Stukas flew over Leningrad, and another German attack began. They carried out fierce air raids on the Leningrad Palace District and the Southwest Fortress District, which were located in the key attack areas, accompanied by a truly terrible roar. Molotov cocktails and heavy bombs were dropped from high altitude. One of the 1.2-ton bombs hit Kazan Cathedral. Blow it up almost completely. Coincidentally, the communication network hub of the Russian army set up there was also disabled by the bomb. The Russian army had to temporarily recruit a group of women and children to act as communication eyes, and the defensive forces were in chaos. At this time. German and local Waffen-SS units took the lead in the attack. The 13th Waffen-SS Maria, which has never been seen. At this time, their commander, Norbertis, threatened his men before the attack began: "If anyone is the first to retreat at the beginning of the attack, he will be court-martialed.". At the same time, he warned the soldiers that if they were captured by the Russians now, they would die. With the threat of its own commander, the soldiers of the Mariasha Panzergrenadier Division burst out with amazing fighting power. They crossed the side canal. In one fell swoop,plastic laminated tube, it captured the Warsaw and Baltic stations, which had been unable to break through, thus compressing the Soviet defense line by five miles.


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