Kong Zhi (Nvzun) Author: Yan Jiu

Feng Qun was helpless by his son, so he sent his second daughter to the Kong family to see what was going on. Her heart some sigh, things to now do not see someone over there

Accompany Ren Shi to talk for a while, see Ren Shi some tired, Kong Zhi gently help him lie down, then turn around and leave. Ren's current situation is not suitable to take care of Kong Ling. Originally, Kong Zhi wanted to place his sister in Shenlaiju, but was blocked by Kang and the princess. Kang and Jun Jun are old and like children very much, and they dote on the clever and sensible Kong Ling. As soon as I left the Chang Shan Hall, I saw the attendant on duty in the Juying Garden come over and send a message, saying that there was a foreign guest in the front yard, and the fourth lady asked the young lady to go over and entertain the guest. Kong Zhi nodded to show that he knew. Foreigner, you finally can't help showing up, can you? Yesterday, Xilin took people to track the people sent by Xifu, and found that they went to the Feng family and the two princesses. The Feng family was the in-laws of the West Mansion, and it was excusable for Kong Sha to ask her mother-in-law for help, but why was the Second Princess Mansion? Kong Zhi sneers in the heart, the other side has no longer covered up taboo, it seems that the two princesses have taken root in the capital. After contacting Ruyilou in Qufu, Kong Zhi told the other side to pay special attention to the whereabouts of Miss Xifu, and learned that she seemed to have contacts with the second and third princesses. When we got to the front yard, before we got to the living room, we heard someone inside saying in a loud voice, "The fourth lady is really joking. How dare Li interfere in the internal affairs of the Kong family? It's just that when my younger brother saw that his wife had not returned all night, he was thinking about it. My husband said that it was not easy for her to stand out, so he asked Li to go up like this and ask about his sister-in-law's condition." Feng Li, the second daughter of Feng Qun, the Marquis of Beining, is now the assistant minister of the Ministry of War in the court. She is the third real power figure in the Feng family. Although the title of Wenxuan Gongfu is not lower than Beining Hou Fu, but now the title is pending, Kong Ju has no official position in the body, perhaps because of this reason, Feng Li will come to the door without any worries. Feng Li knew that she had heard the news that Kong Lian's three daughters and four daughters had returned to the mansion, and knew that her sister-in-law Kong Sha was afraid that she would miss the title. Nevertheless, she did not take the Kong sisters to heart. What else? The older one was just a young girl,industrial racking systems, and the younger one was still young. Yesterday afternoon, the Feng family received the news of Kong Sha's rescue, and the Feng family did not take it too seriously. This is also related to the wrong news of Kong Sha, who finally thought that her mother, Kong Ju, was going to punish her. Beining Hou Fengqun didn't take it to heart. As the saying goes, "Tiger poison doesn't eat children." The Kong family only has Kong Sha as their daughter at the moment, and it is impossible to kill and chop her even if she is punished. In the evening, when Feng went back to see his mother, the Feng family already knew that the two daughters of Kong Ju and Kong Lian had returned to the house. Looking at the younger brother's crying, Feng Li wanted to visit the Confucian family overnight, but was stopped by Feng Qun. If Kong Sha had an accident, the thoughts that the Feng family had spent on her in the past few years would turn to ashes, and Feng Qun would certainly be reluctant. Now the situation is very delicate, the fourth lady of the Kong family came back with the two daughters of the former Guogong, and it was reasonable to avenge her mother. At this time, if you come out at will, Automated warehouse systems ,shuttle rack system, don't you want to turn the trouble to your own side, or wait and see. By noon today, Kong Sha still did not return to Xifangfu. Wu Shi and Feng Shi came over early in the morning, saying that they wanted to pay their respects to the old man, but they were rejected. Wu thought of what his wife had told him yesterday and went back to his mother's house to ask for help, while Feng returned to his mother's house again, crying incessantly, with a posture of not giving up until his mother came forward. Feng Qun was helpless by his son, so he sent his second daughter to the Kong family to see what was going on. Her heart some sigh, things to now do not see someone over there, it seems that Kong Sha has been regarded as an abandoned son. Seeing the girl stepping into the living room, Feng Li was slightly surprised, because the girl's face was kind and full of pure breath. This kind of girl is rare in ordinary small families, not to mention the Hou family. Seeing a guest, the young girl was a little shy. She walked up to Kong Zhu and whispered, "Fourth Aunt!" After listening to this name, Feng Li just realized that the person in front of her was the playboy who was rumored to be jealous of Zhou Shan, and she could not help looking at her more carefully. When Kong Zhu saw Kong Zhi's green and astringent appearance, he felt a little funny in his heart. He had not found out before that this niece was a master who was used to "playing pig and eating tiger". After laughing, I admire her good intentions. The Kong family is in the light, the other side is in the dark, if reveals the sharp side, causes the opponent's vigilance, how can give the other side a fatal blow. Then, it is to cooperate very much, on the face a few minutes more dote on, laughing to say: "It is weave son!" It is weave son! As he spoke, he introduced himself to Feng Li, "Lord Feng, this is the third son of Second Sister Zhu. He has never seen the world and is a little shy." Then he told Kong Zhi, "This is the second wife of the Marquis of Beining. Why don't you hurry to see her?" When Kong Zhi heard this, he respectfully held the ceremony of the younger generation and said, "Zhi, pay your respects to the Second Lady!" With a laugh, Feng Li reached out her hand to pick up Kong Zhi and said, "The second lady is not the second lady. If you talk about it from the old man, you should call me aunt." With these words, he pulled the hole weaving to his side and looked at it endlessly as if he could not see enough. Feng Li's deceased father, who was also from the Cui family, was a cousin of Laotaijun, so Feng Li said so. Kong Zhi called out "cousin aunt", Feng Li was more happy, pulling Kong Zhi to his side, I do not know whether it is true or false, full of joy. Kong Zhi has no idea. What's going on? Didn't the second lady of the Feng family come to ask for an explanation for the matter of Kong Sha? How to focus on yourself. I don't know if the second lady really forgot the original intention of coming to the door, or pretended not to know. She chatted with Kong Zhi for a long time, but no longer mentioned Kong Sha. Kong Zhi quietly glanced at Kong Zhu and saw that her eyes were full of doubts. Logically speaking, after the pleasantries, the second lady should not continue the previous topic, mention the matter of the gauze? Kong Zhi, on the other hand, could put the blame on his aunt because he was young and ignorant. Why did the second lady look like a daughter-in-law and keep silent about what had just happened. The two nephews were a little confused by the second lady who did not play by the rules. Kong Zhi Text Chapter 68 Sacred Heart Chapter Words: 4302 Updated: 08-03-14 21:00 After seeing Kong Zhi, Feng Li did not mention Kong Sha again, and the second princess mansion was silent,heavy duty metal racking, and Kong Zhi was a little depressed. Had prepared everything, waiting for the man behind the scenes to attack, did not expect the other side would so easily abandon the gauze. kingmoreracking.com


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