#How To Trade Forex

#How do people participate in the forex market?

So far, you’ve learned what the forex market is, how big it is, the different types of currencies and how they are sold in pairs.

But how do you trade forex?

Let’s now take a look at how to participate as a trader.

How to Trade Forex

Because forex is so awesome, traders came up with a number of different ways to invest or speculate in currencies.

Among the financial instruments, the most popular ones are retail forexspot FX, currency futures, currency options, currency exchange-traded funds (or ETFs), forex CFDs, and forex spread betting.

How to trade forex

It’s important to point out that we are covering the different ways that individual (“retail”) traders can trade FX.

Other financial instruments like FX swaps and forwards are not covered since they cater to institutional traders.

With that out of the way, let’s now discuss how you can partake in the world of forex.

Currency Futures

Futures are contracts to buy or sell a certain asset at a specified price on a future date (That’s why they’re called futures!).

A currency future is a contract that details the price at which a currency could be bought or sold and sets a specific date for the exchange.


Sebastian Sparrow

142 Blog posts
