Jiangshan Meiren Zhi (complete fine collation)

Jiangshan Meiren Zhi (complete fine collation)

Szeto Tai and Szeto Biao's union means what, but all the imperial people know this, although Sophia is not an imperial person, but for so many years living in Szeto Yushuang mansion, the things she touches all day make her more aware of the hidden meaning behind this than most people. Especially when Szeto Yushuang talked ostentatiously about the financiers in the imperial capital and the five lakes region, as well as the big nobles and businessmen, who jointly provided huge amounts of financial and material assistance to Szeto Tai, Sophia was even more alarmed. Yu Shuang trusted herself so much that Sophia could not reveal the news to Wu Feng. But Sophia also felt that the other side was not afraid to leak the news to the front, from the other side's sure look seems to have such a meaning. On second thought, this kind of thing has come to this step, there is no need to cover up, not to mention as a non-front side can not know nothing about this kind of thing. But Sophia did not expect that the two people who were closest to her in the Empire would go further and further on this road. The contradiction between the two can never seem to be reconciled. Gently pushing open each other's door, the room was full of milky yellow tones, while the ground was lined up with small pieces of mahogany peony patterns, hanging down several dreamlike gauze curtains from the jade yellow dust carved with dark flowers, which separated the big house into one half and the other half, and the outer room was also furnished with a very symmetrical high table,pipe fittings manufacturer, with several straight landscape hanging on the wall. There is a black jade lute with a strange and ancient form, a small brass tripod with sandalwood fragrance, a large bamboo shadow on the jade screen, and a beautiful fine brushwork of ladies half covered by a black lacquer. The two rows of bookshelves are densely packed with thread-bound books on the animal-legged desk with the four treasures of the study. There are also a few scrolls that have been collected, and another piece of fresh embroidered peony is in the middle of the two bookshelves. From here, facing the small half of the heavy gauze, it is obvious that it is the place where beautiful women pursue their dreams! Some tired with the hand support jaw,38 needle valve, the body also leans on the book table, between the girl's eyebrows is unable to hide the joy. These busy time let her body although feel some can not stand, but the effect is obvious, especially the formation of the United front of the Stuart family is an opportunity, in many aristocrats cheered, and who knows this time to rush up and down and say many times and hard work, but she does not care about these undeserved reputation. As long as you can achieve your wish, it is enough. Things have come to this point, I have done my best, although there are still some discordant factors mixed in. But everything can not be perfect, all parties have their own plans, as long as they can clearly understand who the current enemy is. It is enough to urge them to take the right countermeasures. As for the relationship between them in the future will develop to which step, stainless steel tube fitting ,12 needle valve, will not go to war, those are not important, as long as they can defeat the giant of the western border, completely disintegrate it, in the future this empire Jiangshan who will inherit it does not matter, anyway in the hands of the descendants of the Situ family, how much does it matter? The sound of tiny footsteps interrupted the girl's thoughts, and she didn't have to guess that it was her sister who was in a somewhat unstable mood these days. Of course, Szeto Yushuang knew why she was restless with Li Wufeng. The threat of the Szeto family's alliance to Li Wufeng was unprecedented, which was equivalent to gathering the original upper forces of the entire empire. LiWuFeng early through the empress Dowager and ZhuZiMei contact the power to hide but his eyes and ears, this time he succeeded in dispelling the LiWuFeng attempt to draw in the idea of the upper nobles of the empire, as for the ZhuJia can entangle power compared with the upper nobles of the empire is very little, perhaps let LiWuFeng slightly comfort is probably the frozen rose throw into your arms, think of here, Szeto Yushuang did not realize that there was more or less a trace of jealousy and sourness in his emotions. "My sister is back?" "My sister is here?" Not much meaningful greetings opened the opening, Sophia was in a complicated mood, Szeto Yushuang's behavior was hard to evaluate in any language, saying that she was for personal selfishness, perhaps a little too much, in this game, she herself did not get anything, in addition to some praise, I am afraid as a woman, she could not get more from it. She said that for the sake of the Tanghe Empire's inheritance, it seems a little too great, the interests of the empire in the hands of Szeto Tai constantly betray her can not be unaware of, Duodun people, Japanese people, and now with the Magi Khan people, these people are like jackals salivating beside a piece of fat meat, supporting the outbreak and expansion of the imperial civil war is probably what they are most willing to do. Jade frost sister can not see this, but why she is so persistent in supporting their brothers to unite to fight this is not much sure of a battle? Didn't she know that if the United front of the Stu family really defeated the western frontier, the consequences might be more serious, and the Empire would no longer be able to cope with the bite of the jackals from the outside world? Look at my sister's face, as if she had finished her work. "Well, it's almost over. My sister can relax and rest for a while. The rest is between their men." Szeto Yushuang glanced at the other side, she had vaguely revealed the reason for her busy time to the other side, she did not care about Li Wufeng to know, did not expect his sister although some do not hesitate,stainless steel needle valve, but did not as he feared to reveal the news to Li Wufeng, which made Szeto Yushuang both gratified and ashamed. But seeing Sophia's hesitant expression, Szeto Yushuang realized that her sister was afraid of something important to communicate with herself tonight. chinaroke.com


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