When the lucky value is Max

When the lucky value is Max When the lucky value is Max

It stopped about two meters away from the two female dolls. As if he had not seen Wang Erya's sudden alert eyes, the Monkey King's eyes swept deeply over the tired girl doll and hung down his proud head. Squeak. Thank you. Wang Erya could not understand, but she felt the kindness of the big monkey, and pushed the little monkey who knew the monkey language blankly: "What did it say?" "Thank you." This sentence is not Yang Xiaoxiao said, but from the mouth of the Monkey King out of a low hoarse rich male voice. Wang Erya's whole body trembled, pointing to the mighty big monkey, and his voice stammered: "Xiao, Xiao Xiao!"! It, it, it can talk!! "I know." Don't point your finger at others. Yang Xiaoxiao raised her eyelids feebly. She grabbed Wang Erya and clapped her hands like a hammer. She got up from the ground, rubbed her apple muscles and clapped them hard. After recovering a little, she raised her head and said to the Monkey King, "You're welcome!" Wang Erya was told about her bad habits. She put down her hand and apologized shyly: "Well, I'm sorry. I forgot it again in a moment of excitement." In the past, she always liked to point at people, and she was told many times by Xiuqing. The monkey king was not angry because the girl was frightened and pointed at him. He looked at the two innocent and straightforward girls,nail manufacturing machine, and his eyes showed a soft feeling: "It doesn't matter." He hesitated for a moment and then said, "Thank you very much today. What do you want?" Monkey King, as a level eight and a half Warcraft, must have a lot of treasures in the cave. The monks who saw it all sighed at the good luck of the two girls. Where to know, Wang Erya and Yang Xiaoxiao looked at each other and asked loudly: "Can you give us a lot of food?" “…… Yes, that's all? "If you can,Nail production machine, can you help us find some people? They should be in the woods, too." Yang Xiaoxiao struggled with ten fingers. She was worried about Xiuqing and Elder Martial Brother Yun. "Yes," the Monkey King asked again after a pause. "No?" "No." "Is it really gone?" Yang Xiaoxiao and Wang Erya looked at the Monkey King in puzzlement, wondering why he had asked so many times. Baby, baby! A friar muttered that he hated iron but not steel. Obviously is not own opportunity, but looks at two little only muddleheaded to push the benefit outward, in his heart how so is not the taste? The long-tailed monkey king has a pair of huge irises against four inexplicable and clear black eyes, which are dotted with amber spots, with the original innocence. The Monkey King was silent and could not help laughing in a low voice: "OK, you tell me what those people look like." Say it? No matter how much saliva there is, you can't communicate. Monkeys do not know what is the Taoist uniform, wire nail machine manufacturers ,Nail machine supplier, what is the hair crown, Yang Xiaoxiao two people thought for a long time, and finally found a way. The two of them lay on the ground and painted with colored pulp on several boards. The painting is finished! "I've finished, too!" The two girls were almost finished at the same time. They looked at each other contentedly with their cat faces on their heads. Well, although they were not as beautiful as Xiuqing's paintings, they were also very similar! When the two men put the board up, all the monkeys and supervisors saw the two paintings clearly. ……… Puff! Ha ha ha! The friar covered his mouth, "Ahem, I'm sorry, I can't help it!" These two girls are so funny! Yang Xiaoxiao painted Brother Yun. She specially painted the general posture of Brother Yun with green paint. She looked like a gentle bosom brother. But this is a flat view. Because the board is uneven, but also with lines, so in the eyes of Yang Xiaoxiao, "gentle and intimate" brother, has become a ferocious face. Wang Erya is even worse, her painting has always been the worst! Holding a stick to think hard for a long time, suddenly a flash of inspiration, three times five divided by two to finish the image of Xiuqing. She also showed Xiao Xiao: "This is the clothes, this is the hairpin, this is the eyes..." Yang Xiaoxiao nodded earnestly, as if the twisted and simple pattern on the board, which looked like a few deformed squares and triangles, was no different from Xiuqing. The vervet monkeys didn't think there was anything wrong with the two paintings, so they took them and went to find someone. Yang Xiaoxiao was finally able to lie down on the soft straw mat laid by the monkey for her to rest for a while. Zhao Yun, who had been waiting for her for a long time, spoke: [Xiao Xiao.] "Well?" The girl struggled to raise her eyelids. "What's the matter, Yun Yun?" [Xiaoxiao, I suspect that someone outside the vervet's territory is staring here, and he is the man's..] Zhao Yun stopped, it heard the tired voice between the nose of the girl doll, and sank into the dream with her cherry mouth open. 【……】 Zhao Yun sighed and complained in a small voice. [Forgot to cover the quilt again.] Say so in the mouth, still stretch out invisible data antenna after all, cover the big leaf on the side on female doll body. Anyway, the long-tailed monkey king did not die like the original plot, even if the traverser came in, he would be filmed by the angry monkey king! Zhao Yun thought about it and suddenly stopped worrying. He threw himself into the big tree and saw the energetic Wang Erya and the vervet monkeys even if they couldn't understand the language. Then he turned around and saw the white and soft little face of his host. He couldn't help touching it with his tentacles. His heart was filled with emotion and satisfaction. I finally gained a little weight. —— Zhao Xiuqing tore off her own skirt to tie up the wound for the towel long plum, and comforted her with a tender voice on her mouth: "When we meet Xiao Xiao, it will be all right." Jin Changmei saw that she had to be taken care of by a little doll and gave a complicated "um". Zhao Xiuqing and Yang Xiaoxiao met Jin Changmei soon after they dispersed. Zhao Xiuqing knew that he did not necessarily insist on finding other partners before,Nail machine manufacturer, so he agreed to the invitation of Jin Changmei. To tell you the truth, Jin Changmei is ready to take care of this girl and bring a drag oil bottle. But did not expect several critical moments are Zhao Xiuqing's knife, and she realized earlier than the towel long plum that the woods are absorbing their aura. 3shardware.com


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