One fourteenth of the complete edition

One fourteenth of the complete edition

Yue frowned and thought of many possibilities. Thinking for a moment, Shangguanyun looked up at the wall clock. It was half past nine in the morning. Amiya, if If you left last night, you shouldn't have gone too far now. She decided to get in touch with Amiya without telling Xia Lan. Shangguanyun went to the bedroom. Xia Lan was sitting on the bed with her back to her, as if she were thinking about something. Shangguan Yun deliberately did not mention the matter of Amiya, but lied about going out to buy something, Xia Lan did not seem to be pregnant. Doubt. Shangguanyun quickly changed his clothes, simply made up, and left home in a hurry. Outside the house, she went out of her purse. He took out the phone and dialed Amiya's cell phone. It took a long time for the phone to be picked up. I can see how much Amiya was thinking about whether to answer the phone. For a long time, her voice also showed deep uneasiness: "Hey, Mrs. Shangguan.." Amiya, where are you? Why did you leave? Shangguanyun asked eagerly. Nothing.. Amiya, tell me the truth. Why did Mr. Wang dismiss you? The other party hesitated for a long time:.. No, sir wants to fire me. I left on my own. I want to go back to the Philippines. Bin went to his hometown.. Ah Mrs. Shangguan, the plane is about to arrive, and I can't say any more.. Shangguanyun was taken aback: "Plane?"? Are you at the airport now? Amiya obviously wanted to end the call immediately: "Yes, sorry,hydraulic fitting supplier, I have to turn it off.." "Wait, wait a minute, Amiya!" Shanggong Yun quickly called her, "Don't hang up.". Listen, I have to. I want to meet with you. Right now. If you return the plane ticket, I will compensate you for the loss. "Oh, no,stainless steel needle valve, Mrs. Shangguan, I'm really sorry, I'm leaving now." ‘ "Okay, wait.." Shangguanyun tried to calm her, brain quickly turned: "Amiya, you tell me, sir gave you more. Less money? "The other end of the phone was silent.". Knowing that she was right, Shangguanyun seized the other's mind and said, "Amiya, as long as you meet me now, I'll give you the same amount." A sum of money. How's that? Not bad, is it? It'll only take you half an hour. Think about it, ball valve manufacturer ,38 tube fitting, Amiya. Full silence for half a minute, Shangguanyun almost thought she had hung up the phone, Amiya finally opened the button: "Well, Mrs. Shangguan, I'm here." The Starbucks next to Jinghai Airport is waiting for you. "Okay, I'll be there soon." Shangguan Yun hung up the phone and took a deep breath. I guess is right, Amiya is really because know what, just by summer blue overnight. Gone-there must be something wrong with it. Not daring to waste another second, Shangguanyun immediately drove her Porsche sports car out of the garage and drove straight to Jinghai Airport. It's not easy to catch a clue and say nothing to let it slip away. Half an hour later, Shangguanyun met Amiya in the Starbucks cafe outside the airport. Amiya has ordered a cup of coffee for her. Shangguanyun said, "Thank you." Holding the coffee cup, he came straight to the point and asked, "All right. Amiya, tell me now, what happened last night? Amiya showed a very embarrassed expression: "Shangguan madam, I..". Promised Mr. Xia Lan. You won't say anything about it. Shangguanyun stretched out his hand and said, "I understand, but Amiya, you must also know that it is very important to avoid me.". I am The mistress of this house, but Xia Lan hid everything from me, and now I know nothing about my own son. Amiya, you understand. How I feel, right? Yes, I can understand.. But Mrs. Shangguan 。” Amiya bit her lower lip and hesitated for a long time. "Mr. Xia Lan hinted that if I knew." He won't let me go if I say something about Dao. "夏蓝他 . . . . . . Threatened you. ?” Amiya lowered her head and did not speak, looking very uncomfortable. Shangguanyun took Amiya's hand. "Don't worry, Amiya.". Xia Lan is just scaring you. You are going back to the Philippines soon. Buy a house in a beautiful town in the Philippines and live happily with your family. Xia Lan can't really come to you-he's also looking for you. No. No one can disturb you. Amiya looked up, as if convinced by Shangguanyun's words. She hesitated again for a moment and said, "All right, Mrs. Shangguan, I'll I'll tell you what happened last night. Shangguan Yun nodded, a little nervous. "At eleven o'clock last night, I made supper for Master Fuqing as usual and sent it to his door.." Ah! Mia told the story of last night in detail. Her body was shaking all the time. She stopped several times because of fear. It took me more than ten minutes to finish the story. Shangguanyun's reaction was also one of the reasons why Amiya stopped. When she heard Amiya say, Xia Qing's When the wardrobe was full of corpses of all kinds of animals, he covered his mouth in horror and kept his stomach churning. As described by Amiya The feeling of terror when Xia Qing approached. It made her feel more palpitated and frightened. After Amiya finished speaking, Shangguan Yunzheng Everyone froze. Mrs. Shangguan, that's what happened. 'I was really. I was scared silly. Shangguanyun took a deep breath, as if she could not breathe before. She opened her eyes wide and asked in disbelief. Way: 'Xia Qing's room, how can there be so many.. Animal carcasses ? Where did he get it? Amiya shivered and looked uncomfortable, and the sickening images seemed to reappear in her eyes. Front I don't know, ma'am. Shangguanyun thought for a moment and suddenly remembered what Xia Lan had brought home for his son every day. Could it be.. Her body Goose bumps rose on the face. There was a pause. Shangguanyun asked, "Amiya,needle valve manufacturer, you said when you found Xia Qing standing behind you, and slowly to As you approach, you feel a threat of death. Are you sure you didn't feel wrong? Xia Qing is only a six-year-old child. Amiya put her hands around her shoulders and her face turned white. It seemed that this was the thing she was most afraid of compared with the discovery of dead animals.


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