Raffle Tickets for Nonprofits

Raffle tickets are a great way for nonprofits to attract new donors and find unique ways to connect with their current donor base.


Raffles also have the added benefit of raising awareness of the organization's mission and gaining a higher profile in the community. The success of a raffle depends on the organization being able to set and meet goals for ticket sales, prizes, volunteers, and timing.

Make sure that the rules of your raffle are clearly stated and advertised at each ticket sale point. If there are special restrictions that must be met, such as being present to win, include these on the raffle stub and be clear about them at each table. Make it easy for people to purchase tickets, such as allowing them to write their name on the back of the stub and placing it in an easily visible receptacle, such as a transparent jar or lottery wheel.

Clearly identify the organization contact information and the date and time of the drawing on each raffle ticket. This will help in the case of a question about an entry or in confirming that the winning ticket is valid. It is also helpful if the prize information is listed, as well as any age or location restrictions that may apply. If a license or permit number is required to hold a raffle, this should be noted on the tickets as well.

Choose a design for your tickets that fits the theme of your event and that appeals to the people you're hoping to reach. Some online ticketing systems can offer pre-designed templates for organizations to use with minimal customization. These are often more user-friendly than creating the ticket from scratch and may be more affordable than hiring a designer to create them.

Assign volunteers to sell tickets throughout the raffle and make sure they know their responsibilities. They should be reminded of the timeframe for ticket sales, and they should be praised for their efforts and encouraged by setting weekly goals. Holding weekly meetings is an effective way to keep the team on track and to motivate the members who are selling the most.

Solicit prize donations from local businesses, such as gift certificates to popular stores or restaurants. These can be a big hit with the crowd at your event, and they're also an excellent opportunity for businesses to promote their support of the community.

At the end of your raffle, be sure to draw the winner and award them with their prize. Ideally, the winner will be able to claim their prize at the same time as everyone else in attendance at the drawing. Be sure to thank the audience, as well as anyone who worked on the raffle and those who donated prizes. It's also important to send a follow-up email to the winners to thank them for their support and to invite them to next year's event. Keeping a file of all the details from each year's raffle can be very helpful in the future.
