Raffle Tickets For Fundraisers

A raffle is a fun way for nonprofit organizations to raise money. However, it’s important to keep a few things in mind before organizing your fundraiser.


Start by choosing prizes that resonate with your audience. This could include luxury items, experience packages or even products from your nonprofit. Next, choose a personable ticket-selling team to encourage event attendees to participate.

Numbered Tickets
Whether you print custom raffle tickets yourself or have them professionally produced, they come at a cost. Factor this into your ideal value per ticket.

Generally, raffle organizers prefer to use double roll tickets, which have numbered ticket pairs connected side by side and strung end to end. One half of a ticket goes to the seller, and the other is used for the drawing at the event.

Ensure you have more than enough tickets to sell by estimating your ticket sales and ordering at least 20% more. This will allow you to easily cover any unforeseen expenses and provide more prizes to winners. Also, consider allowing attendees to check boxes on their ticket stubs to be included in future marketing appeals. This can help increase future ticket sales and donations to your organization.

Non-Profit Raffle Prizes
Nonprofit raffles are a fun way to raise money. You get prizes donated by local businesses and individuals, sell tickets for a small amount of money each, and then have the drawing at your event. You can choose to announce the winner at a specific time or you can let participants guess how many items are in a container and reward those closest to the exact number.

Some unique prize ideas include a personal shopping spree with a local boutique or a custom art piece. Gift cards are also a popular choice as they are easy to mail or deliver. Try to link the prizes to your nonprofit’s mission, as this will increase their appeal and attract more ticket buyers. Ideally, you want to start conversations with the people who purchase tickets and turn them into recurring donors for your organization.

Ticket-Selling Team
Raffle ticket fundraisers are a common way for nonprofits, schools and booster clubs to raise money. Many states regulate or even prohibit them, so groups need to check with the law in their area and ensure they are properly set up. For example, some organizations need to obtain a gaming license.

Make sure your raffle is staffed with volunteers willing to take tickets. Rewarding ticket sellers with prizes increases enthusiasm and helps you reach your goal. Calling them to remind them of deadlines, praising them for their efforts and encouraging them to sell more tickets is also helpful.

Using Greater Giving’s Storefront tool makes it easy for volunteers to accept cash and credit cards at events, or let guests purchase raffle tickets with their phones. Then, the event organizer can scan the tickets and quickly calculate total proceeds.

Optimal Ticket Price
The optimal ticket price for a fundraiser raffle depends on the prize value and how much money you want to generate. Generally, the higher the prize value the more you can expect to sell tickets for.

To uplift ticket sales, offer unique, irresistible prizes that resonate with your community’s value perception. For example, bespoke creations or rare experiences are more than just gifts; they transform your event into an enticing playground of opportunity that rewards participants for their investment.

You can also boost ticket sales by leveraging the power of digital promotion. For example, an online payment portal can help you reach a wider audience and promote your raffle through message boards and social media platforms. A platform like PayBee allows you to manage your fundraising events seamlessly and stay connected with your supporters.

Whether you are running an in-person or virtual event, you should have a well-developed plan for promoting your fundraiser. This includes reaching out to your supporters through different outreach channels, such as social media platforms or email newsletters, as well as partnering with local businesses and organisations.

You should also consider using a fundraising portal such as MoneyMinder Store to collect payments, as it will streamline the process and help you reach your goal. It’s important to clearly communicate your rules and the prize details to ticket purchasers.

Lastly, you should also ensure that all winners receive their prizes promptly. This is essential for establishing trust and transparency with donors. It is also important to follow up with everyone who participated in the raffle, including ticket sellers, merchants, and volunteers.
